Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well, the process of release has begun with Beasty Boy our favorite fox. He's weaned himself from formula. (He tried to bury the last two bowls that were offered to him.) My little man is growing up. Sigh. The next thing you know it will be fast women and wild cars -- or maybe it's the other way round up.

His return to the wild will occur in stages. The first phase has begun when he's let out of his pen to run around while he can be monitored. We've been doing this for a few days now, and the separation process has also begun. On day one, he hung around and wanted to play with mum -- that's me -- on day four, he does not want to get too close because he's afraid I will put him back inside his kennel.

Beasty Boy is a pretty bright boy. By tomorrow, he may avoid me altogether. If that happens then, he'll be staying out all day. The kennel door will remain open so he can get access to his food. The door will be closed at night once he is inside. That is phase two.

In a soft release, the animal releases him or herself. With Beasty Boy, phase three will begin when the fox decides he does not need to get food from the snack bar. I may see occasionally as a grey streak in the forest, but my work will be done.

Until that time, I'll keep you posted.

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