Friday, October 23, 2009


Definance, the peregrine falcon, lost his wing when it got tangled in wire. He was left permanently disabled.

However, he has found a new home at Elmwood Park Zoo in Norristown, PA.
There he will live out his days with a companion, another peregrin falcon, entertaining and educating all who come to visit him at the zoo.

If you ever happen to be in Norristown, do drop in . . .

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have owned and been using your Animal Wisdom book for many years. I need to have a conversation with you, as I have been writing a book that uses yours as the main reference material. I want to make sure that any references to your book, and your writings are legal and used with your permission. Please email me, or contact me through my facebook page, so you know I am a real person with good intentions.

Thank you so much,